Fighting chickens. Local breed, bred in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.
Time to create the breed and the original form is unknown. In Uzbekistan kulangi fighting chickens bred for many centuries. In the Fergana Valley and Kyrgyzstan, they are known as "Duck." The selection was carried out by aggressive roosters, a massive body strength constitution for meager feeding.
Kulangi - is a large a fighting bird with a small head, slightly flattened laterally, with developed brow, almost without crest. The beak has a short, strong, curved, small pink lobes, earrings are mild, red or absent. The neck is long, muscular and wings close to the body, the legs are long, strong and wide-set with long shank.
Live weight, kg
Chicken 3.0-4.0
cock 4.0-6.0
Egg production, units 100-140
Egg weight, 60-64 g
Old breed of fighting local chickens regions of Central Asia. Derived by taking the cocks on aggression, massive physique, strength and constitution of the core.
Common in Bukhara, Samarkand, entitled "kulangi" in the Ferghana Valley in Uzbekistan called "Duck."
The breed is characterized by vertically set the body, the head is small, slightly flattened at the sides, a sharp beak, short, strong, small comb valikoobrazny orehovovidny, and cocks is less developed than in chicken, earrings and lobes are underdeveloped; cocks are almost absent; ear lobes white and pink. The bill is dark and a light horn color, his face pink, orange eyes, large, long neck muscular, slightly arched forward, feet tall, strong and set wide apart, with strong spurs, legs yellow, black pigmentation occurs on the basic color of the legs. Plumage dense, well fitting to the body. Strong constitution, plumage coloration salmon, light brown.
The black variety is called "Duck."
The temperament of the birds live, aggressive. Roosters easily Training, Fighting produced quality. The bird is adapted to the hot climate.
Chickens have a live weight of 3.5, 4.5, and more cocks kg. Egg production in layers fighting breeds is low - 100 eggs, mostly in zimnevesennie months. Egg weight and more than 60 grams, the shell color is light brown. The egg has a slightly elongated conical shape. Layers differ in late puberty, recorded at 6 months of age. Safety of the adult birds 70%, 95% of young. Fertilization and hatching eggs satisfying.
Bred breed lovers cockfights. It is mainly distributed in the regions of Central Asia. Kollektsionariyah preserve the breed as a genetic reserve.
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